After traveling for 9 months, I was guided to return to Montana to sell my home and continue to travel. It was like everything lined up and all happened in divine time, and yet…
There was much to do... Let go of a lifetime collection of things – my own and family members – creating hours of reliving memories, bury my 3 family members that had passed away in the last couple of years, and buy a new camper that will make my travels easier. All the while through this process, the Angels had me working on letting go of my judgments and fears so that I can step into this new phase with true freedom... and because I have let go, I have been inspired to create some fun new projects that I’ll be sharing soon 😊 but first... Archangels Michael & Metatron gave me a message to share with you today… Dear One, True freedom of mind is when you no longer have judgments or fear. This time in your evolution has brought up so much dissidence for you to look at. Differences seem to be polarized and for many it is hard to know the right thing to do. Many of you have always wanted to believe what others say - but there are so many hidden agendas at this time - that you must find your own truth. We urge you to step away from any media or other’s opinions, let go of any judgments or fears you may have, and connect with your own truth. Only by doing this will you have true freedom of mind. Know that you do not need to share your truth with others, but hold your own close and if they need to share theirs, see it as “Interesting”. Take what feels good, and leave the rest. At your service, Archangels Michael & Metatron Ask us to help! We offer this… “Dear Archangel Michael & Metatron, Surround me with a pillar of light. Disconnect me from the collective consciousness and clear my connection to God and the Heavenly Realms out the top of my head. Repair and strengthen this connection. Remove from my mind, body & energy field any judgments or fears so that I may have true freedom of mind. Thank you! Thank You! Thank you! (Remember, It's the Thank You! that allows you to receive.) This month's Group Healing Circle will focus on this theme of Freedom... and it's FREE!! Click here to join and get reminders. May you always know you are loved beyond imagine. Love, Misty
Dear One, You are doing amazing work! This year of 2020 has been very difficult. There has been much change, loss and lower energies. You have transmuted and endured much. Trust that all is working for your good. Use this time and the energy of the solstice and Christ-mas to disconnect and recharge your batteries. Take time to dream about what you want your life to look like. What you want to create. How you want to be of service. For, you will be needed even more in 2021. You are needed to stand firm in the LIGHT with your FAITH and TRUST, sharing the gift of who you are. You are LOVE You are STRENGTH You are TRUTH You are JOY If you are not being this, we will help you uncover and strengthen it. Ask, let go and receive. Always at your service with love, Archangel Michael Join us Friday, January 1st and receive healing to let go of all that holds you back, along with an activation to claim who you are in truth for self-empowerment in 2021. Join Here.
Do you ever go out and come home completely drained? Work, the grocery store or mall?
In my campground last week, I walked by a couple of young adults dressed like vampires. I was near Forks, WA – where the Twilight series was filmed – so, of course it was the perfect place for this. Glancing at them, I was amazed at the time and preparation it must have taken them to get dressed up and didn’t think much more about it. Later that night, as everyone else was asleep, their group energy woke me up. I immediately called on Archangel Michael and asked him to surround and protect me and clear the energies around this group. I realized that just walking by, my energy had been hooked in. I believe these people don't know what they are tapping into, as there is real darkness behind these ideas. I’ve worked with many young people that have dabbled with “darkness” and then it took lots of work to break them free. This is just one instance… we can also be affected by what we see on TV or hear on the radio. And, sometimes, other people suck your energy dry. This is nothing new to me, but oh, it’s so easy to forget and can take days of feeling “off” to figure it out. Being energetically sensitive can be a great gift... when we are aware of what is happening and know how to clear ourselves. Otherwise, the energies can build and build. Here are 4 Signs you need to clear your energy:
The Archangels want to help set us free from these and many other kinds of energy that affects us. This is the realm they work in. We need to ask and receive. It sounds easy, but can take time to build a momentum. Some people believe by asking the Angels to do the work is taking their power away. That would be like never asking your friends for help. I have always felt completely in control and know the Angels have a much larger perspective about what needs done – on more levels and ways than we can possibly imagine - and will do it within everyone’s best interest. So, asking them helps keeps my ego out of it. In my new Chakra & Aura Vitality course, you will learn how to ask the Archangels for help and open to receive it while clearing your energies and taking your frequency to the next level in 8 powerful sessions. This is something you’ll be able to use for the rest of your life – for yourself and others. ![]() Last week I received a call from someone wanting me to contact her late husband and ask a question about his passing. I am not a psychic medium, so I didn’t promise anything, but asked her to send me his picture. The minute I looked at the picture, I knew he had not crossed over, and realized this was why the Angels had her reach out to me. Over the years the Angels have had me help many people who have died go to the light. I have done much of this work with the Angels guidance and have never spoken to their loved ones. I’m the girl that goes into an old building and helps those who have been there for years to cross over, for my work is to help them be free. The Angels say there are many reasons someone may not cross over into the light:
In this instance, I found out later, he had never really believed in the afterlife. He thought you died and that was the end of it. When I asked the Archangels to help him cross he was still reluctant, so I asked if there was anyone he would trust to answer his questions. He said he supposed Jesus may be able to help. Jesus came to him and helped him to understand that his soul lives on and that he is loved – without judgement. He decided to go to the light and was so full of gratitude. He finally felt free and knew he was loved – beyond measure. Archangel Raphael then healed all that was created from his old beliefs. It was very emotional – and even though it has been days – I am tearing up writing about it. So, here is what the Angels want you to know… We all die and get to make the choice of choosing the light. If you are reading this, you probably believe in Angels and God and will have no problem choosing the light. But you may know someone who’s time is close, and they don’t believe in God or the afterlife, or were in a car accident. You can help to make sure they cross over. You don’t have to be there, but if you are that would be wonderful. Some might say that it is not their place to interfere, but that is like saying you should not pray or help someone in a time of need. Just remember, it’s the Angels doing the work and they would never make anyone go against their free will. If you are thinking about helping, the Angels are probably asking you to. Here’s how: If they are getting ready but haven’t yet passed away: Sit by their side or bring them into your thoughts and ask their Guardian Angel and Jesus to comfort them. Ask Archangel Raphael to lift all their fears, doubts and worries or anything else that may be keeping them here. Ask that they to stay with them and help to guide them to the light. (of course, ask for comfort for yourself also!) If they have already passed: Bring them into your thoughts ask Jesus, Archangels Michael, Raphael and Zadkiel to go to them and if they have not crossed, to set them free from their fears, doubts and earthly desires. To show them their loved ones on the other side and to open the gates of Heaven to them and help them to make the choice to go to the light. This should be sufficient most of the time, but the Angels do want to say that there may be some circumstances where more healing is needed. If you feel this is the case, please reach out to me. May you always know you are loved beyond imagine! Misty ![]() This is the question I have been pondering since the Angels wanted me to do a new workshop on Choosing LOVE. The answer came in one of my recent sessions and I wanted to share it with you. We had been talking about her worthiness to receive. The Angels were clearing the energy of old patterns and experiences that had been blocking her feelings and beliefs of worthiness when I got it. LOVE is what is left when the absence of LOVE is gone. LOVE is there always. You are LOVE and you are LOVED! LOVE is not dependent upon:
LOVE is dependent upon Your Beliefs:
the greatest thing is that... you can Choose LOVE! LOVE is there when you have acceptance of yourself – your thoughts, feelings, decisions, circumstances & actions. Of others – their thoughts, feelings, decisions, circumstances & actions. Choosing LOVE is freedom from fear Choosing LOVE is trusting in the process of life Sometimes though, we have built up energy around our beliefs and experiences that makes it difficult for us to Choose LOVE. This is where the Angels come in. They have helped me and my clients to change our energy pattern around LOVE, and they want to help you too! Join me to receive healing from the Angels around Choosing LOVE and ways to help you Choose LOVE in your every day life from the Angels. This workshop is available this month online and in-person at 5 places in MT this year. More info below or click here to learn more. Hello Beloved, We are so grateful that you are here on Earth at this time, for it is a time of great change. It is a time for every single human to choose between the light and the dark. It is a time to choose between love and fear. What is your choice? We want to be very clear here – and remind you that what you think about is what you also receive. Darkness and fear have many faces. It may show up for you in the form of judgement, hate or self-righteousness. Having these thoughts then come back to you as anxiety or depression. How do you feel right now? Are you at peace? Are you happy? We are not saying that you should “do” nothing. We are saying that whatever you “do” needs to be done with love in your heart and peace in your mind. Whatever you do needs to be done with the highest intention for all beings. If it is not – you are feeding the darkness. What is your choice? If your choice is the light, then we are here to help you keep love in your heart – and peace in your mind. We know this is not an “easy” thing to do, for it takes having faith and seeking truth and wisdom. We know you can do it. We know you want to choose the light in every moment. We have so much love for you! Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light are working very hard right now. They are available to you to help you choose the light and wanted me to give you some specific ways you can ask for their help. Daily maintenance for choosing Light with Archangel Michael
Join us the 1st Tuesday evening of each month for FREE World Healing with the Archangels.
May you always choose the Light! Love, Misty
If this is your true desire of how to live, you may be like me and heard "You need to live in the real world" all your life. There is a part of me that knows that this is possible, and I now know that I am here to be a part of bringing it in. So how do we get there? I decided to ask the Angels. Here is their answer: It all begins with each of you individually. You get to choose. When you have cleared your consciousness of old mental and emotional baggage, letting go of old fear, anger, hostility and guilt, your consciousness and vibration raises. When you gain mastery over your thoughts, you create your future in a different way. We are here to help you move to the next level. We are here to clear away the old baggage and transmute the old energies. It is time! When the old is cleared we will activate the higher vibrational energies within you so that you are supported in your quest. Do not get caught up in the numbers or levels, just know that you will always be going higher. This is not a fairy tale. This is not airy fairy. This is the truth about your choices right now. When you have done your part and moved yourself forward, you effect everything. When you come into contact with others, they entrain to your higher vibration and they start to change. It starts with you, and we are here to assist! ![]() I am excited for this Holiday season! Christmas music, baking, trimming the tree, gathering with friends & family, sharing the love... But there have been those holidays in the past when things were not easy. My dad was sick and passed away at Christmas. Years where it was emotionally difficult to be around my family. Other years I was lonely, depressed or overwhelmed. Not to mention the financial stress... The Angels are always available to help and have given me 5 messages, including ways they can help you Breeze Through the Holidays with Ease & Grace. 1. When you help others, you help yourself. The Angels are here to help, and will, just remember to ask. Here are a couple of ways to be of service and help you to feel good at the same time: Ask Archangel Raphael and the Angels of Healing to go with you everywhere: shopping, work, parties, family gatherings to help everyone in that place. Ask that if someone needs a Healing Angel that one or more go home with them. Archangel Jophiel will help you be of service. Sometimes, a smile or holding the door for someone will make their day. Ask Archangel Jophiel to help you know exactly what to say, what to do, or help you with a gift idea for that hard to buy for person on your list. 2. Know that your family and long-term relationships are about learning. Your lesson may be to ask for help, say no, help more or help less. Ask Archangel Chamuel to step into your relationships and mediate. Archangel Chamuel will help everyone to communicate from the heart. You may be sharing energy of fear with your family members with energetic cords. If you feel drained after being around someone, ask Archangel Michael to cut any cords of fear that you may have with them, knowing that you keep all the love and lessons you have shared. Then ask Archangel Raphael to completely dissolve the severed ends of those cords, going both ways, all the way to the core. 3. Know that you are never alone Your Guardian Angel has been with you forever...loving you, guiding you. If you feel alone or depressed, ask your Guardian Angel to comfort you. Know that your loved ones in Heaven are doing fine. Light a candle for them, write them a letter, display a particular ornament in a special place, or make a donation in their name. Don't expect too much of yourself. Allow yourself to be sad but also to experience joy. 4. Only do what you can Don't overspend so that you will struggle or have regrets later. Focus on giving love. Take care of yourself. Make it OK to say no, go for a walk, take a time-out, be a little bit late or leave a little bit early. Ask for Help when you need it. When you ask for help, you allow others to give and that helps everyone. 5. Remember everyone is on a different path Know that others choices are perfect for them right now, even if you don't agree or understand. If your loved one is in need of help, ask God and the Angels to help them trusting that they know what is best for everyone concerned. Of course, if you are guided to help, do so - without expectations. May you Breeze Through the Holidays with the Help of the Angels. Love, Misty I am filled with such gratitude for what the Angels have given me and I want to share it with you. The Archangels have gifted me with attunements for 3 new healing techniques to raise our vibration, clear our energy and accelerate our evolution.
Here's a bit about each new technique: DNA Healing & Activation - Are you ready to take the next step in your evolution? Ready to be you? To realize and embody the divinity that you are? To let go of what is not you and let your truth shine? This is for you! Since DNA regulates all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being, the possibilities for change are endless! Get Connected. Archangel Aura Healing - Receive a healing on all levels and learn how to ask the angels to keep you clear and in alignment. The health of our energy systems & aura determines our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. If our energy systems are disrupted or blocked we are less able to cope, and feel stressed, which in turn has a negative impact on our physical being and mental health. Soul Integration - Do you know your Soul? Our soul knows and expresses true Divine Will and purpose. Your soul's essence is love. As you embody and become aware of the beauty of your soul, you will know how special, unique and perfect you are. You will discover how to tap into your soul's love, light, will, power and presence to create wonderful and powerful changes in your life. Happy Spring & Much Love! Misty |
Heavenly Oils